Sunday, June 23, 2013


Welcome to The Black Girl Critic.  My name is Cicely.  I am 32 years old.  I am a journalism school drop-out and I work as a temp. I'm an introvert, a bibliophile, a movie buff, a political junkie, a TV addict, and a music lover.  I also love to write and I am tired of waiting for someone to give me an opportunity.  The internet and social media has leveled the playing field. It has provided so many people with a platform for their voices to be heard and I want to add my voice to that chorus. I've had some tough breaks these last several years and have lost my voice. I'm hoping to use this blog to help me get my voice back, while also helping give a voice to other people and topics that need a platform.

On a very serious note, former South African President Nelson Mandela's health is now critical. Let's send all of our love and good wishes to Madiba and his family tonight.

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