Friday, June 28, 2013

Bigger fish to fry


This has been such an incredibly racially-charged week in the media, I've been reluctant to even attempt writing about it. It's been too much, even for a person like me who loves talking race and culture.

I've never been a Paula Deen fan. I've been to one of her casino restaurants a few times and I only went because it was free. The food was mediocre and a feeble attempt at copying the southern cooking style pioneered by Black people.

I have however, NOT enjoyed watching her downfall this week. It's laughable that all of these companies and advertisers severed ties with Paula Deen, yet continue their association with the likes of Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Fox News.

I'm not making excuses for Paula Deen. Her use of the n-word and her love of slave imagery is offensive. But, I think she is harmless. There are people out there spreading hate on the air and the Internet everyday. These people have a lot of power and influence and they use it. Paula Deen may be racist, but her using the n-word and wanting slaves at a wedding does not affect our daily lives.  In the grand scheme of all the racism out there, Paula Deen is meanigless. Save your outrage for someone who really deserves it.

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